Αποστολή του Τμήματος
Αποστολή του Τμήματος είναι να θεραπεύσει μια δυναμική διεπιστημονική περιοχή γνώσης που αναδύεται στο πλαίσιο της αναδιάταξης των ανθρωπιστικών επιστημών και ιδιαίτερα των σπουδών της γλώσσας και του πολιτισμού στο σύγχρονο παγκοσμιοποιημένο περιβάλλον δημιουργίας, παραγωγής και επικοινωνίας της γνώσης και της πληροφορίας. Για τον σκοπό αυτό το πρόγραμμα σπουδών προσφέρει διεπιστημονικά μαθήματα προσανατολισμένα σε μια ολιστική προσέγγιση σύγχρονων, ανθεκτικών κοινωνιών χωρίς αποκλεισμούς που στοχεύουν στη διαμόρφωση κριτικής σκέψης. Στο πρόγραμμά μας οι φοιτήτριες/φοιτητές εξερευνούν πεδία όπως η πολυπολιτισμικότητα και οι πολιτισμικές αναπαραστάσεις, η παγκοσμιότητα, η ιστορία της διανόησης και η διαπολιτισμική μεσολάβηση και επικοινωνία. Το Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών του Τμήματος φιλοδοξεί να διευρύνει την κατανόηση της διαπολιτισμικής διάστασης της γλώσσας σε μια σύνθετη και πλουραλιστική θέαση του κόσμου. Για τον λόγο αυτό επιχειρεί να αναθεωρήσει ηγεμονικές ερμηνείες και εμπνέεται από σύγχρονες, κριτικές και βασισμένες στην τέχνη προσεγγίσεις για την κατανόηση των πολιτισμικών πρακτικών και των διαπολιτισμικών σχέσεων. Μέρος της αποστολής του Τμήματος είναι να αναδείξει και να προωθήσει τη συνειδητοποίηση του ρόλου και των πολιτικών της γλώσσας/των γλωσσών στη διαπολιτισμική επικοινωνία με αντίκτυπο τόσο στην προσωπική ανάπτυξη της/του κάθε φοιτήτριας/φοιτητή προς την ενεργή πολιτειότητα όσο και στη διαπολιτισμική συνεννόηση, τον διαπολιτισμικό και διαθρησκειακό διάλογο και την ειρηνική συνεργασία ανάμεσα στους λαούς.
Όραμα του Τμήματος
Όραμα του Τμήματος σύμφωνα με τον στρατηγικό του σχεδιασμό είναι να ανταποκριθεί στις προκλήσεις που προκύπτουν στο σύγχρονο πεδίο της διαπολιτισμικής και διεθνικής επικοινωνίας, και των διαπολιτισμικών σχέσεων, προκλήσεις που αφορούν σήμερα την εσωτερική συνοχή και συγκρότηση των δυτικών κοινωνιών, τα διεθνικά περιβάλλοντα εργασίας και παραγωγής, την ολοένα και αυξανόμενη ανάγκη για πολυεπίπεδη επικοινωνία με γεωγραφικές περιοχές της Μέσης και Άπω Ανατολής, καθώς και με γλωσσικά συγκείμενα και πολιτισμικά πλαίσια εκτός του δυτικού κόσμου. Στην παρούσα διεθνή συγκυρία η γλωσσική και διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση ανθρώπινου δυναμικού στην Ελλάδα αποτελεί άμεση προτεραιότητα στη βάση του στρατηγικού γεωπολιτικού σχεδιασμού της χώρας αλλά και των μελλοντικών προοπτικών της.
Πρακτική Άσκηση
Η Πρακτική Άσκηση (ΠΑ) αποτελεί μια αποτελεσματική μέθοδο για επαφή και εξοικείωση των φοιτητριών/φοιτητών με τα αντικείμενα της πιθανής μελλοντικής τους απασχόλησης.
Πτυχιακή Εργασία
Η Πτυχιακή Εργασία (ΠΕ) είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντική για τη συγκρότηση της επιστημονικής ταυτότητας της/του φοιτήτριας/φοιτητή καθώς αποτελεί μια ολοκληρωμένη, ερευνητική παρουσίαση ενός θέματος των σπουδών της/του.
Κατατακτήριες Εξετάσεις
Οι κατατακτήριες εξετάσεις απευθύνονται σε όσους αποφοίτους ΑΕΙ, ΤΕΙ ή ισότιμων προς αυτά, Α.Σ.ΠΑΙ.ΤΕ., της Ελλάδος ή του εξωτερικού, καθώς και κάτοχους πτυχίων ανώτερων σχολών υπερδιετούς και διετούς κύκλου σπουδών αρμοδιότητας Υπουργείου Πολιτισμού, Παιδείας και Θρησκευμάτων και άλλων Υπουργείων που επιθυμούν να αποκτήσουν ένα ακόμα πτυχίο προπτυχιακών σπουδών και να εστιάσουν σε διαφορετικό επιστημονικό πεδίο.
Undergraduate studies
- 18 Core Courses
- 2 Fields of Studies
- 4 year Course (240 ECTS)
The Department of Language & Intercultural Studies of the University of Thessaly was founded in 2019 and welcomed its first students in the fall semester 2019-2020. It is the only department in Greece that combines the study of language and literature in an intercultural framework. At the core of our philosophy lies our belief in interdisciplinary dialog, international perspectives in the study of history, institutions, arts and letters, as well as in the importance of language learning and familiarization with the global cultural heritage beyond the limits of the Western-centric world. Exploring the multiple facets of cultural mediation, our faculty offer a number of academic subjects with applications in different areas of professional and social life (immigration, translation and interpretation, cultural institutions and organizations, communication, media and new technologies, all levels of education, tourism).
The Department awards all students the same degree, while at the same time giving them an option between two specializations in distinct, though related, scientific areas.
The Applied Languages and Intercultural Communication specialization (ALIC) focuses on the use of languages and their social impact, as well as on communication in intercultural contexts. More specifically, we approach languages as bridges facilitating intercultural communication and ensuring inclusivity. We study the use and teaching of language –as first, second or foreign tongue– drawing our examples from a set of natural languages that our department offers (English, Arabic, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese). By adopting an intercultural and critical approach to languages, we further aim at revisitingfundamental notions such as those of identity, mediation, inclusivity and globality, and at the same time problematizing phenomena such as immigration, racism and globalization. Students who choose this specialization are expected to seek careers in a variety of fields, including educational and cultural structures and facilities, multilingual environments of translation and interpretation, non-governmental and international organizations dealing with migration, multinational companies whose structure presupposes mediation.
Τhe Literary Studies specialization (LS), focuses on the study of literature and the arts from an intercultural, interdisciplinary and comparative perspective. In this framework, the literary field is approached as a dynamic space of encounter among civilizations and traditions – a space of interaction, negotiation and exchange, whereby new identities are formed and developed. Students who choose this specialization are provided with the theoretical background and practical skills that enable them to seek careers in the fields of cultural management (foundations, organizations, museums, archives), writing (journalism, editing and publishing, web content, marketing), professional mediation, lifelong intercultural education, and cultural tourism.
Targeting and expected learning outcomes
The current PGCE of TGDS aims to acquire specific and general competencies so that graduates develop a distinct scientific and professional identity as specialists in applied language studies, intercultural studies and intercultural/comparative literary studies.
- Search, analyze and synthesize data and information using the necessary sources and technological means,
- To work effectively independently as well as in teams,
- To demonstrate social, professional and ethical responsibility and sensitivity to issues of linguistic and cultural diversity and interculturality,
- Demonstrate ability to identify, file and solve problems,
- Demonstrate ability to apply knowledge in various situations,
- To prepare and implement projects in various cultural environments,
- To work in a team spirit utilizing their differences and their strengths and sharing their success
- To take initiatives with respect to team members,
- Recognize early communication problems arising from cultural differences, and implement strategies to resolve such issues.
- To be open to different ways of learning, approaching knowledge and managing information
- To think globally and critically with flexibility, recognizing potential foci of tension due to intercultural differences,
- To desire and pursue the peaceful coexistence and contact of the peoples.
- To familiarize themselves with literature as a scientific field,
- To recognize literary reading as a carrier of intercultural characteristics,
- To develop reading attitudes in their daily lives,
- To connect the values and methods of literary theory and criticism with the approach of socio-political issues,
- To apply principles of intercultural communication through works of art and artistic writing,
- Understand the importance and various aspects of the concept of culture,
- To develop an awareness of the intercultural relations between Greek culture and the cultures of the Middle and Far East,
- To be able to critically evaluate and interdisciplinary approach the basic theoretical principles of linguistic science,
- To recognize the principles, methods and practical applications of translation science in a variety of social settings,
- To realize the value of intercultural communication,
- To create conditions for effective intercultural communication,
- To detect the effects and reception of the Greek world in modern culture,
- To plan and implement actions for the teaching of Greek as a second/foreign language,
- To analyze and understand texts of ancient Greek and Hellenistic literature,
- To plan and implement actions for the teaching of Literature using new technologies,
- To design and implement cross-cultural projects,
- To take initiatives to exercise effective management in cross-cultural and by extension in transnational environments,
- To recognize phenomena of sociolinguistic reality using analytical tools of sociolinguistics,
- To reflect on language use and its relationship with the visibility and exclusion of different social groups in the context of active and critical citizenship,
- To become empowered about their language repertoires and to realize the diversity of language by going beyond the ideology of standard language,
- Familiarize themselves with the methodology of teaching a second/foreign language,
- Communicate in key Middle and Far Eastern languages,
- Understand the political, economic and educational dimensions of phenomena such as bilingualism and multilingualism,
- To design and implement reading animations and creative writing workshops,
- Write texts in a structured and scientific/academic style or correct others’ texts,
Appreciate the digital factors influencing communication and critically evaluate key findings of contemporary research related to learning and teaching, - Distinguish moral issues in literary texts and relate them to various cultural and historical contexts,
- Understand the processes that are activated to resolve conflicts in a local and transnational environment,
- To critically approach the role of immigration in the formation of individual and collective identities,
- To be able to participate in transnational networks of cultural and creative bodies in states where these possibilities are less developed;
- To understand the relationships between language or literature, discourse and power,
- To relate theoretical approaches to methodological practices,
- Engage in research processes and develop research curiosity around the subjects the department treats,
- Conceive original research projects and implement them with the aim of expanding the field of applied languages and intercultural studies in Greece,
- To develop public speaking and intercultural dialogue skills and to contribute with their voices to the awareness of the local society regarding issues of interculturality,
- To have broadened their linguistic and cultural experiences through mobility in universities abroad,
- To have socialized in the context of various student groups of the school and the university, actively participating in shaping the identity of the University of Thessaly,
- To utilize the mediation skills they will develop through their studies at TGDS, in order to envision and pursue a more just and inclusive world.
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