Eirini Sifaki
Αcademic rank:
Associate Professor
Field of study:
Cultural Theory and Criticism
Office Ε2 / 6, 5th Floor, Deligiorgi building
(+30) 242109 3037
Eirini Sifaki is an associate professor in cultural theory and criticism at the department of Language and Intercultural Studies, University of Thessaly. She holds a BA in Applied Languages (Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK) and a Phd in Information and Communication sciences (University Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, France). She has participated in various Greek and European research projects on cultural communication, education and research ethics. She serves as an independent ethics expert of the DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission. Her research interests and her publications involve issues on cultural production and artistic creation, film studies and digital cultural communication.