Research Programs

Research Program: "La littérature en pleurs : larmes limpides, pensées opaques

Duration: 6 years (13.06.2022-30.06.2028).

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A yearly cycle of seminars is part of the program:

Spring semester 2023 seminar:

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Scientific Coordinator: Elena Anastasaki, Directrice de Programme in Collège International de Philosophie in Paris Collaboration among: Université Paris-Lumières and UPL

Research Program: “VIA(me)YOU: Spatial Repertoires of linguistic and cultural mediation in asylum and social integration processes”

Duration: 01.12.2021-30.11.2023

Funded by the Center of Research Innovation and Excellence (C.R.I.E.) of the University of Thessaly  Collaboration with the University of Reading

Scientific Coordinator: Roula Kitsiou

Research Program: ERASMUS+, Adult Education “Multilingualism at Work: International Talents, Mismatched Language Skills and Workplace Communication/Lang@Work”

Duration: 01.01.2022-31.12.2023.

Collaboration with ITA-Suomen Yliopisto, Comparative Research Network EV, Associazione Nazionale Orientatori, Koopkultur e.V., Scientific

Coordinator for Greece: Roula Kitsiou

Research Program: "ΙnterArt – Interdisciplinary and interart approaches for the development of meta-narratives about the pandemia based on museum's actions. From experience to art and theory"

Duration: 13.09.2022- 31.08.2024

Funded by the Center of Research Innovation and Excellence (C.R.I.E.) of the University of Thessaly Collaboration with the University of Lorraine, CREM. Research Center, Scientific

Coordinator: Eirini Sifaki

Research Program Erasmus +: “LoCALL: Local Linguistic Landscapes for global language education in the school context”

Duration: 1.09.2019 -31.08.2022

Collaboration with the University of Hamburg (coordinating institution), University of Groningen, Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Aveiro and University of Strasbourg. 

Department participant: Anastasia Gkainartzi. -> Learn More

Program of the European Council, European Center of Modern Languages (ECML) "PALINGUI – Language learning pathways of young children – Making early language learning visible

Duration: 2020-2023

DLIS Associate partner: Anastasia Gkaintartzi.

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