Roula Kitsiou

Assistant Professor

Αcademic rank:
Assistant Professor

Field of study:

Office Ε3 / 10, 5th Floor, Deligiorgi building
(+30) 242109 3035


Roula Kitsiou is an Assistant Professor of Sociolinguistics at the Department of Language & Intercultural Studies of the University of Thessaly. She has graduated from the Department of Greek Philology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and she holds a MA degree in “Modern Learning Environments and creation of educational materials” of the Department of Primary Education (University of Thessaly). Her postdoctoral research with an IKY grant that was realized at the University of the Aegean was relevant to Arabic-speaking unaccompanied minors’ literacies. She has more than 10 years of experience on issues of language education, social and educational inclusion of migrants and refuges. Her research interests include linguistic landscape studies, linguistic ethnography, critical discourse analysis, critical literacy, issues of language policy and identities, linguistic justice and racism. She experiments with rhizo-analytic and interdisciplinary approaches of language/languaging.