Emmanouela Kantzia

Assistant Professor

Αcademic rank:
Assistant Professor

Field of study:
Modern Greek Literature (19th - 20th c.) and Intercultural Literary Studies

Office Ε2 / 7, 5th Floor, Deligiorgi building
(+30) 242109 3041


Emmanouela Kantzia is an Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Literature (19th – 20th) and Intercultural Literary Studies at the University of Thessaly. She has studied Comparative and Modern Greek Literature at Princeton University (A.B.) and Harvard University (MA, Ph. D.). Her interests and research focus on 19th- and 20th- century Modern Greek and European literature; on intersections of literature, science and philosophy; on cultural mediation and intercultural networks of communication; and on the essay, biography, travel writing and epistolography.
