Elena Anastasaki

Assistant Professor

Αcademic rank:
Assistant Professor

Field of study:
Comparative Literary Studies

Office Ε2 / 5, 5th Floor, Deligiorgi building
(+30) 242109 3036


Elena Anastasaki has studied French Literature at the University of Athens and holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the Universities of Kent and Paris 8 (co-tutelle). She has taught at the University of Kent, Panteion University, the Athens School of Fine Arts, the Hellenic Open University and the University of Tübingen, where she was also a Marie Curie Fellow (2013-2015). Since March 2021 she is Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature at the Department of Language and Intercultural Studies at the University of Thessaly; and since June 2022, Directrice de Programme at the Collège International de Philosophie (CIPh, Paris). Her research interests lie in the comparative study of European and American Literature from the 19th century to the present with emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches to literature, identity and intercultural studies, the relation of literature and philosophy, dystopian literature, science fiction, hybrid genres, wordplay and metaliterature.