Katerina Makri

Assistant Professor

Αcademic rank:
Associate Professor

Field of study:
Digital Learning Designs in Language Studies

Office Ε3 / 11, 5th Floor, Deligiorgi building
(+30) 242109 3039


Katerina Makri is an assistant professor at the University of Thessaly (Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies). Her research interests focus on language and literature teaching and learning online, teachers’ professional development through e-learning, blended learning and content authoring with participatory web technologies (Web 2.0), curriculum design and online professional communities. Since 2003, she has been involved in educational research with students and teachers, through state-funded (hellenic), and EU projects, using qualitative methods, content analysis and quasi ethnographic techniques. She has been teaching in tertiary education since 2009. She is also a certified adult educator and vocational trainer, in several disciplines: language learning (Greek as a second language), ICT (basic skills), educational technology (pedagogical use of digital tools) and in different educational settings: tertiary education (under and postgraduate), professional – vocational education (in-service and pre-service), corporate training and technological education. She has also worked as an e-learning and blended learning course designer and consultant and has produced digital educational materials for blended / online / f2f settings.